Sunday, May 07, 2006

Having a rest

Now I know why most people who do family research tend to be retired.

If you're not careful, you can end up spending every waking hour on it - if not researching, then checking details, updating information, dealing with email, etc etc. Its never ending.

Even people in some of the genealogy newsgroups I'm a member of take breaks. Mind you, many of them have been doing research for years.

So though I feel like a bit of a lightweight, I have decided to park my family history stuff for a few weeks while I sort out various other things on the home and work fronts.

But I will come back to it - to my inbox full of emails from helpful people (who have sent me even more information on the likes of Mary Wade!), to my web site with lots of gaps glaring out at me whenever I look at it and to the mystery of my ancestors, especially the Littles.

I feel I've broken the back of it, anyway. The rest is now fine tuning, chasing up a few loose ends and preparing for the second phase of research - actually trying to visit some of the places in order to look at parish records.

Until next time.........

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